Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First things First...

If you've stumbled across ths, WELCOME!

You might be wondering what is up with this.... Sos lets get this out of the Way, My name is Andy Lowe, I'm a Theatrical Director, and event Producer based in San Diego California. What's with the Pirate thing you may ask? 

This nickname and analogy roots from a realization amongst myself and many friends and colleagues of mine, that Working in Theatre is a very mercenary lifestyle.  there is no job security, there are no ties, theres really just the job.  You find a job, find a crew, you sail with them, and you trust them like family for the time you sail with them, and when the job's done, you start looking for the next crew, the next job, the next ship.  Some of the ties you make, you'll carry with you for life, and some of the people you've encountered you may never see again...

In the end all that matters is that you keep sailing... and sometimes thats enough... (yes that was a thinly veiled Firefly reference... I'm a big geek so sue me)

If you haven't figured out yet, I'm a bit of a romantic... Mythology, or mythic things and people excite me, because as a storyteller, I can find something grand and noble in even the most simple human struggle.

So what can you expect here... well, most likely this will be a great venue for me to pimp the crap out of my projects and endeavors I've taken on... but if I'm pimping a project, I can tell you that Its cause these are things that genuinely excite me.  I am driven by passion... and if I cant get passionate about a project, Its near impossible for me to motivate my self to do it...

and generally, speaking, just "Doing" something is usually not enough for me... "Doing it RIGHT" is more important!

oh yeah and I tend to ramble.... cause the rest of me isn't always so caught up with my brain...

Anyways, expect to learn more about my upcoming projects, get some insider perspectives on the process involved in making some of these projects come to life.

Till next time...


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